Another in my Train Station series.....and again, scanner not getting it quite right. the doors and shutter thingies are a darker color.
Thanks for looking!
My attempts at learning and living from the mountains of VA
This is another watercolor exercise from a Terry Harrison book. Arches 12 x 16, W & N paints. I know there are lots of corrections needed.....but this painting makes me feel happy!
Holiday weekend coming up.....YAY!
This is from a Terry Harrison book, on Arches 140# , 12 x 16, with W & N paints. I may do this again now that I know what I'm doing, lol. My boo boo's stick out like a sore thumb! But, I enjoyed myself!!!
...exercise from Kate's CD. I was really hesitant to post it......but then I remembered that I had encouraged someone else not to be afraid to post. Doncha hate to eat your own words???
I have a wonderfully glorious view out my front door, so I think I will practice doing some more landscapes. It's really lovely with a heavy snow!
Today is a gorgeous day, temps in the low 80's, low humidity......I really should paint or something.....may just head out to the pool!
Preparation for Kate's Watercolor Pencil Workshop CD. I somehow left out 2 colors, and had to add them at the end. I may redo the chart, cuz those colors outta place bug me.
These pencils were part of my anniversary gift! Isn't it just romantic????