I debated about whether or not to post this. My hope is to receive some helpful critique, so please don't be afraid to do so. This is another exercise from Kristy Kutch's book, using Inktense watercolor pencils. I didn't have the pencils and colors that the book suggested, so I kinda just winged it.
My Watercolor Pencil Workshop CD (from Kate) just arrived (yippee ,yay, yahoo, etc.) so I hope to be improving soon (somebody please tell me that I'll improve).
On a more positive note.....I didn't trace!
Thanks for stopping by.
A really good sketch and awesome pencil work!
Deb I think it looks great but you know I am such a beginner at all of this. Turned out way better then mine would have. I sure hope Ann Abgott can teach me how to paint cause my trial ended up looking like rocks and they were supposed to be pears. hehe oh dear me.,
It looks beautiful! That's all my inner critique has to say! I love how it's laid out on the page, too, with some empty space left, neat composition.
Hi Deb!!! Yep, VA Mtns were HOT --whew! But as always - beautiful!
I LOVE this -- and think you did a superb job -- the color is incredible! I can't say I know much about wc pencils....but I know what I like and this is it! What are you unhappy with in the sketch?
Thanks Y'all!
Lin....it's the same ol reason...if it doesn't look like the original, I feel as if I've failed. I'm trying to get over that.
Then I show my art to dear hubby, who says "that's nice", so I really don't get feedback ( except from here :-) ).
Deb ...perhaps it's not being like the original (a problem I suffer as well) is a really GOOD thing -- meaning that you've put YOU the artist into the image you've created -- the difference, in my humble opinion, is ART that makes your painting different that 'reproduction' -- like a camera ... hon, I think it's a good thing ...!
Gorgeous, and one of my favorite flowers!!!
Oh, I forgot about morning glories and that beautiful blue! You have captured it perfectly. Put the book down and try using what you have learned on subjects of your own. You did a great job with this and I bet you'd be surprised what else you can do :)
what a nice coincidence, I just posted a photo of a blue morning glory on my blog! I hadn't started sketching or painting one yet, though. Yours is very pretty.
Beautiful morning glory, Deb.
Keep painting every day and enjoy every wonderful minute of it.
I like the composition in this one! So neat, simple but beautiful!
I also like your onions and house in Winter!!
Great sketches:) Good luck with Watercolour Workshop:) You will definitely improve although you are doing great so far:))!!!
One of my favourite flowers - nice work! x
Beautiful job and the perfect blue!
Thanks for visiting my blog Deb, and welcoming me to EDM. I have painted before, on my blog for March there is a wall design I painted in our master bedroom, but I'm afraid I'm new to posting my work otherwise.
Your color pencil work, and your blue flower, is lovely! Good sketching!!!!
I think this is really good!!!! I love morning glories! Thay're just the most gorgeous blue, and I think you've captured it beautifully! Thanks for visiting my blog. :) Marva
"I didn't trace!"
- Now that sounds like a positive move in the right direction.
Well done, they look great!
Beautiful . . . and you didn't "trace." You're funny. I'm learning to draw without tracing too, and it is a challenge. Challenges are great!
You're doing well. Keep it up.
I think you've done a lovely job here Deb. I'm guessing that you were working from either a photo or another painting here - I'll bet that if you practiced drawing from real still life (plop a flower in front of you!) then you would get an even better feel of how the light hits the ups and downs on each petal, adjusting the value and such. It's so much easier to see how each part of the flower bends and lifts and curls, reflecting light where it lifts and absorbing light where it dips. Keep it up!
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