Well, when you're desperate for a grandchild.....
She is the most adorable little thing! Her name is Akira (which means intelligent in Japanese), but will be called Kira. She has the most amazing blue eyes! She was the last puppy in a litter of 9, weighing 5 pounds at 9 weeks old. I emailed photos to my son, who promptly drove up from Charlotte to pick her up. I only had her for 1 day, and was surprised to feel weepy when he went back home with her yesterday. Jeez.....that's 2 1/2 hours away! Did I say she has the most amazing blue eyes?
The first step on the path to grandmotherhood ;) First he gets a dog... :D
She is very cute!
Adorable puppy--I wouldn't have been able to give her up! My first grand was an orange grandkitty, Rusty. Then I got two human grands in one year!! I don't post my photo blog everywhere. . . but you can see it if you'd like (Rusty is on the home page since he was the first - ha ha)
You've got to start somewhere I guess. Cute puppy!
He would have had to go find His own! Ha Ha!
I only have Ms Patches. There is a girl for one of the boys. I am hopeful marriage within the year.
Ms Patches stands in for my picture.
Kira is just charming as can be.
Sherrie Roberts
She's adorable - her daddy's not bad either... I'm working on your card, you being the first on my list - almost done!
Oh what a sweet puppy! I would have had to keep her! She'll be gorgeous when she grows up! :D Marva
Congratulations! A truly adorable grandpuppy --- what awesome eyes! (Your son is cute too)
I had several granddogs & grandcats before our 3 grandchildren came along. And they are still considered part of the gang!
so when's the drawing of the puppy eyes going up on the blog?? hum...Love those blue eyes too. Human grands will come along in the proper progression of time...
Ooooh...do they have another one?? ;-)
If you say Akira, here in Australia, it means just one person. Akira Isogawa, who is a fashion designer & the ultimate in cooool. So, good name. But your Akira is more cute.
What kind of puppy is she? My children are desperate for a puppy, but we haven't convinced my husband yet. Maybe if he sees Akira...
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