.....and it only took 75 minutes to capture! Argh! Every time I picked up the camera remote release, my little yorkie would get up to come see what I was doing, then my yorkie poo would follow. But I was determined to get that portrait! My toy poodle and collie/shepherd mix are elderly and not in the best of health.
From left: Keegan, Chloe, Reilly and Desi
Have a blessed Christmas y'all
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Portrait
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So Sad
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Face of the Earth
I've decided to get into dog training, so between volunteering at the local shelter and trying to read through and absorb about 11 books on the subject, I just don't have any extra time for art ( or anything else ). I'm also attending a dog class ( an hours drive away ) to train my own dogs, and to receive mentoring.
All this after my day job!
Ahhhh......midlife career changes........keeps life interesting.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Meeting Fellow Artists and Bloggers

What a treat! Monday evening I met with Cindy and Deborah for dinner. We were all total strangers, but it felt like meeting old friends ( after making sure that we weren't deviant men in disguise ). Isn't it odd that we tell our kids to be careful online, but we "adults" often disregard that advice. We will definitely meet up again, with no worries of crazed killers lurking in our minds. The girls did discover a quirk of mine....I have a very active imagination.
Have a blessed day, y'all!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
More Postcards!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Train Station 2
Friday, August 29, 2008
Train Station
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Poppy Field
This is another watercolor exercise from a Terry Harrison book. Arches 12 x 16, W & N paints. I know there are lots of corrections needed.....but this painting makes me feel happy!
Holiday weekend coming up.....YAY!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Watercolor Door
This is from a Terry Harrison book, on Arches 140# , 12 x 16, with W & N paints. I may do this again now that I know what I'm doing, lol. My boo boo's stick out like a sore thumb! But, I enjoyed myself!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Grandpuppy is Growing!

We drove all the way to North Carolina yesterday to see our darling grandpup!
We did visit our handsome son, too. This fur child is wired for action...she is non stop every waking moment. We took her to the Lansford Canal Park where she proceeded to carry around all the sticks that were much bigger than her.
Can you believe that I went all the way to Charlotte, NC and didn't go to Cheap Joe's???? Me neither.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
WC Pencil Landscape
...exercise from Kate's CD. I was really hesitant to post it......but then I remembered that I had encouraged someone else not to be afraid to post. Doncha hate to eat your own words???
I have a wonderfully glorious view out my front door, so I think I will practice doing some more landscapes. It's really lovely with a heavy snow!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Blog Award...

From Mindy. What a nice surprise! Thanks Mindy!
Gee....now I have to somehow choose from all of my favorite blogs. I will try to see who hasn't had this honor yet.
1. A Brush With Color
2. Amber Ridge Desert
3. Travels In Watercolor
4. Creative Dialog
5. Doodles and Sketches
6. Original Art
7. Teri's Painted Daisies
To accept:
my daily view
Today is a gorgeous day, temps in the low 80's, low humidity......I really should paint or something.....may just head out to the pool!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Received First Card

Isn't this gorgeous?! I love it!!!! This is from Delph, all the way from France. How exciting! Can you tell I'm excited? It arrived in perfect condition, and very quickly I might add.
Some of us EDM'ers have set up swap groups, and I'm in the postcard swap. I haven't started painting yet, but have been out photographing potential subjects ( which are to remain a surprise to my fellow swappers ).
Thanks, Delph....I absolutely love it!
Friday, August 1, 2008
New Flickr Group!

Watercolor Pencil Workshop~Learning Together
Several EDM'ers ordered Kate Johnson's Watercolor Pencil Workshop CD, and we've decided it would be much more fun to work on learning together! Here's to art buddies!!!
Faber-Castell AD WC pencil color chart
Preparation for Kate's Watercolor Pencil Workshop CD. I somehow left out 2 colors, and had to add them at the end. I may redo the chart, cuz those colors outta place bug me.
These pencils were part of my anniversary gift! Isn't it just romantic????Monday, July 28, 2008
New Grandbaby!

Well, when you're desperate for a grandchild.....
She is the most adorable little thing! Her name is Akira (which means intelligent in Japanese), but will be called Kira. She has the most amazing blue eyes! She was the last puppy in a litter of 9, weighing 5 pounds at 9 weeks old. I emailed photos to my son, who promptly drove up from Charlotte to pick her up. I only had her for 1 day, and was surprised to feel weepy when he went back home with her yesterday. Jeez.....that's 2 1/2 hours away! Did I say she has the most amazing blue eyes?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
EDM # 180 Favorite Color/Blue

I debated about whether or not to post this. My hope is to receive some helpful critique, so please don't be afraid to do so. This is another exercise from Kristy Kutch's book, using Inktense watercolor pencils. I didn't have the pencils and colors that the book suggested, so I kinda just winged it.
My Watercolor Pencil Workshop CD (from Kate) just arrived (yippee ,yay, yahoo, etc.) so I hope to be improving soon (somebody please tell me that I'll improve).
On a more positive note.....I didn't trace!
Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
1st Attempt at Colored Pencil
I did this a few weeks ago. It's from "Drawing and Painting With Colored Pencils" by Kristy Ann Kutch. I'm not overly thrilled with my attempt, so I haven't tried to do another yet ( if you have her book, you'll know what I mean *G*).
I just ordered some CD's from Cathy "Kate" Johnson that I'm very excited about. Watercolor Pencil Workshop, and Ink and Wash Workshop. They're actually an early Christmas present from my mom. Ain't moms great?!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Home in Winter
Friday, July 11, 2008
Today's Tiny Beauty
On another note, my dogs are such goof balls! We purchased some carpeted stair treads to cover our hardwood stairs. Our living room is lower than the rest of the house, with 3 steps up to the kitchen, dining area; and 3 steps up to the bedrooms and office area. We usually end up carrying 3 dogs up and down these steps, as they don't want to slide up on the slick hardwood, hence the treads purchase. Well, what do they do? Walk down the side of the steps that's not carpeted of course. Think we wasted our money on that brilliant idea. Aren't dogs great?!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Rainy Day Pick Me Up
Flowers always perk me up, and Stargazers are my favorite (well, I like lilacs and gardenias, too).
Happy Wednesday from the mountains of Virginia!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Lobster Traps and Buoys
My 3rd attempt at Pen and Watercolor from my Maine Vacation photos. The photo was taken in Somesville, MDI. I loved the pile of red, white and black buoys.
Southwest Harbor, Maine
My 2nd attempt at pen and wash. This is from the lovely area where we stayed on vacation.
Pen and Wash Pots, MDI, Maine
My very first attempt at Pen and Wash. I was inspired to try after joining the Ink and Watercolor Wash flickr group. Attempts of being loose have failed, however. :(
How does one paint loose?
Is this cute or what?
This is Keegan and Reilly, my 2 favorite guys. They're behaving quite nicely in their new pet stroller.